Your Nightly Programing Page 3
“Doing WHAT?” Jess screamed.
Patty took her hand and gently held it, giving a comforting squeeze. “The President would kill anyone and everyone that had something he desired. Since there is no limit to his desire, or his greed, that means that eventually he would either kill everyone, or take everything for himself. He has to be stopped.”
“Oh my god…” Jess felt like retching just then. “Denny is going to get himself killed!”
“That is a possibility, but there are many of us who are involved in this, including quite a few in positions of power themselves. Everyone is on the exact same page, and our plan is impeccable. The brightest minds in the world carefully laid it out.”
“That doesn’t mean it will work! It means Denny is doing something totally stupid!” Jess dried her eyes.
“It will work Jess. There are far too many of us, and we will prevail. Oh, the news is beginning to broadcast some of what is happening.”
“What? How…” The Jessica realized that those with the implants were always linked into so much that it boggled the mind. “Never mind.”
“May we turn on the news?” Patty prodded.
Jessica complied and in moments there was a live breaking news.
“It seems that earlier this morning large numbers of leftist terrorists made a number of highly organized attacks on government installations. The fighting is still going on, but administration officials have informed us that the rebellion will soon be put down.” There were some scenes of distant fires burning in various locations around the country, including there in Washington.
“Oh no!” Jess started crying again.
“Please don’t worry Jess. The news anchors are only telling what the administration wants them too. It won’t be long before they start telling the truth of it. Our forces are winning most every battle.”
“How can that be? The government is so strong, and they have the military.”
“Not nearly all of the military Jess, nor the police either. Many of us are the commanders and leaders of these forces, and they are fighting on our side.”
“God I hope Denny is alright.”
“He is alive, and fighting hard. I would send him your concern, and love, but he is quite busy at the moment.”
“Where is he?”
“You will see shortly.” Patty assured her.
“What about all of the President’s rabid supporters? Won’t they riot to save him?”
“When he started confiscating their guns, most of them realized they had indeed been betrayed. He has very little support any more.”
Jess nodded. “Good. It’s about time they pulled their heads out of their damned asses.”
“No doubt.”
After another cup of coffee each, Patty smiled brightly.
“What are you smiling about?” Jess asked.
“Watch, the news will now start telling the truth.”
Sure enough there was another live breaking report.
“We can now begin to report what has really been occurring since early this morning. A massive group of freedom fighters set upon restoring democracy to this country conducted an all-out, well-coordinated campaign today. They have been successful in their unified goal of ousting the recently declared dictator who had destroyed the democratic system of this great country of ours. We go now to a live feed from the White House briefing room.”
Jess watched as the camera feed switched, and she let an audible gasp out as she saw Denny standing in front of the podium wearing his body armor, with his rifle slung over his shoulder. He was bleeding from an obvious injury on his shoulder, which looked like a gunshot wound.
“Oh crap!” Jess blurted. “He’s hurt!”
“He will be alright, Jess.” Patty rubbed her shoulder. “Now listen.”
“I am Commander Denny Reginald of the Unified Freedom League. Today we have taken back what is rightfully ours, and that which certainly does not belong to the foul dictator who stole it from us. Let us make this perfectly clear! If you insist upon supporting what the quote “President” and his evil cohorts had instituted, you will be removed as they now will be. Since you have all gotten used to live, public executions on the orders of this bunch of traitors, we will now show you how it comes back around.”
With that a number of armed men lead the President and his top advisors onto camera, all with their hands tied behind their backs, and each looking wide eyed and utterly frightened.
“First up is chief advisor Cannon. Mister Cannon, we the people have found you guilty of high treason of the laws of the United States of America, and as such for your crimes against the good people of this once great nation, you are sentenced to death.” Denny nodded at one of his men.
The man raise his rifle right close to the face of Cannon, and the coward bellowed for mercy. A single shot killed him instantly. The rest began to wail and beg, including the President.
Denny made the very same remarks for each person in turn, and they were all shot right there on camera, live for the world to see. The President was soon the last one left, and he cried out for some of his loyal supporters to come and save him.
Denny looked him in the eye, “You have no supporters any more. All you have is the death you so willingly, and gleefully inflicted upon others.” Then Denny made the same condemnation, and he shot the president in the head himself. With that he turned to the cameras again.
“People of the world, know that the leaders of Russia and China have also met their fate, the same as these evil creatures have. A new day has dawned on this planet. The day where we all will become of one mind.” He nodded to the cameras, and they cut back to the news anchors in their studio.
“Well, I can’t say that they didn’t have it coming to them, and indeed now we will have a much brighter future.” The woman anchor stated with raised brows.
Jessica could only blink for a few minutes, trying to digest what she’d just witnessed. On one hand she’d just watched the man she’d grown to love again, murder another man before her eyes. On the other hand, she knew that the President and his crew had murdered untold numbers of her fellow citizens.
“How many people do you think the President murdered?” She finally asked Patty.
Patty sighed, “The early estimate is between three and four million.”
Jess felt like vomiting again. “That evil son-of-a-bitch!”
“He won’t kill any more.” Patty stated.
Jessica shook her head, and sighed. “So, what happens now?”
“Now our leaders will be elected by the unified mind of all of us.”
“You mean by those who have the implants? What about the rest of us?”
“Everyone will soon have the implants as well. It’s the only way.”
“You mean you will force the rest of us to receive them!” Jess scowled at Patty.
“Brainwashing!” Jessica accused.
“No, rather it is brain synching. We all need to be on the same page for this to really last, and for our bright future.”
“It doesn’t sound so bright to me, forcing people to get those damn implants.”
“Oh but it is, Jess. The stars await us. We already have the technology to start traveling to them, and colonizing them as well.”
“What the hell?”
“It’s true. Some of the wisest of the teachers have shown us exactly that.”
Jess fidgeted in her seat, and she drained the last of the luke-warm coffee from her cup. “I just don’t like the idea of someone else telling me what to think.”
Patty laughed, “Silly girl. It’s not like that at all. They merely present the most logical ideas to you. Then you still decide on your own, but any illogical arguments are clearly shown their errors.”
“Crap, I’m scared of it, Patty.”
“Don’t be. Now you have an appointment for your implants in just a little over an hour, perhaps you should get ready to go with me.” Patty smiled wit
h brightness.
Jessica’s mouth dropped wide open at that.
The End